Awarded Restaurants No. 3 in Kuching

We are proud to note that we have been awarded the ranking at No. 3 level of all restaurants in Kuching. The ranking at #3 level was solely achieved as a result of our continued effort of circa 20 years on all aspects of restaurant operation namely:

(1) Procurement of all fresh and best quality ingredients required to
create the 200 odds dishes as highlighted in our menu;

(2) Maintained clean and congenial atmosphere including a world class washroom;

(3) A dedicated staff to receive and explain the details of our food and drink so as to ensure the guests get the right kind of food and drink to satisfy their needs. Also ensuring that the guests do not order more than it is required;

(4) The ability of our chef to provide the best tasty and textured dishes by motivating them to create their best to satisfy individual guest

Our ownership team therefore takes the restaurant operation very seriously and ensure the food and drink that are served to our guests have the intended function to enhance humanities, health and intelligent.
